Monday, March 30, 2020

3D STUDENTS TASKS Monday 30th to Thursday 2nd

I  hope you had a good weekend! keep strong, this week is short and then you have holidays until April 14th Yay! 
Due date from Monday,  30th to Wednesday 1st
The next 3 days I want you to review or study Unit 5 Vocabulary and Grammar , there is a summary in your SB P. 72.
To be ready for the test, please do the following exercises and correct with the ANSWER KEY, send me pictures of your exercises corrected on Wednesday. (Es decir enviarme fotos de todos los ejercicios, hechos y corregidos el miércoles)

-         -TASK 1 WB Language Builder Unit 5 page 14 and 15 (turn your book upside down and read backwards)  (Pinchar a continuación en el texto en azul para obtener las soluciones)
-          - TASK 2 SB p 149, 150 do it and then correct  (Pinchar a continuación en el texto en azul para obtener las soluciones) ANSWER KEY
-          TASK 3 (Pinchar a continuación en texto azul para obtener las fichas a completar) ExtraPractice 1 and Extra Practice 2  Do it and then correct it  (Pinchar a continuación en el texto en azul para obtener las soluciones) ANSWER KEYDO NOT PRINT IT, PLEASE WRITE INSTRUCTIONS AND THE ANSWERS IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS. FOR EXAMPLE: Extra Practice 1; EXERCISE 1Complete the sentences: 1. fingerprints

 - Thursday. April 2nd Unit 5 Test (Check when and how on Wednesday)


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