Wednesday, April 22, 2020


2AB STUDENTS Wednesday 22nd


 -WEBBOOK , only 13 out of 62 did Vocabulary exercises in Unit 10 yesterday. Can you do it today?
- Your future job; Please answer this questions as a comment below; 
"I always knew I wanted to become a teacher, I used to help my classmates with English, but I was talented for painting too. For a few years I worked as Marketing and Communications Manager for an Australian Company, it was fun, I travelled a lot and I met lots of interesting people but I decided to go back to teaching which I really love. Right now I miss all of you, I miss teaching in front of all my students and seeing your young faces. What about you folks, what do you like and what is your dream job?" 

- Vocabulary exercises to help learn different types of jobs.
Please send the corrected exercises to your teacher.
Take care


  1. Sice I was little I have always wanted to be a teacher, but lately I have also wanted to be a doctor, so I don´t really know what I will be.

  2. Teacher I have a question about the homework ,where is the listenig to do the exercise.

  3. Hello teacher im Javier Vallero of 2B
    I always want to be a professional player of basketball but if i can,t im gonna be a doctor.

  4. Hello teacher,
    I allways want to be a architect but if I can´t I would like to be vet.

  5. When I was a child, I wanted to be a programmer, but now I´m undecided, I don´t know If I want to be a programmer or a surgeon.
    I´m David Moya

  6. Hello I´m Sofía Miera from 2ºA

    I have never been clear what I want to be, but these last few days I have been thinking that I would like to be a veterinarian in a zoo, I really like animals, and I think I could do that, even though I have to study a lot, I wouldn’t mind. That’s an idea I don’t know if in a few years I’ll change my mind. :)

  7. Hi, Im Hilina from 2ºA.

    When i was younger i wanted to be a teacher. Now i want to be a doctor or a lawyer. I enjoy that there is justice, and if im a doctor i will enjoy saving lives.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I had never thought about this, but i would like to work on something related to computers.

  10. when i was younger i wanted to be a teacher an now the idea doesnt disgust to me but since the last year i have interest to be a actress, i'm not sure about what job but i hope that in the future i will have more clear

    i'm Bea from2A

  11. Sarah Soret 2A

    When I was younguer I wanted to be a doctor and now i've changed my idea. I want to be Informatic like working with computers and all of that. I always liked to work with computers because it's interesting know what the technologies are now a days .

  12. Hi I'm Alba Gordon 2ºB.
    I have never known what I want to be when I grow up,but It will be a great job to draw book covers or be a forensic doctor

  13. Hi im Aicha from 2.B.
    I always wanted to be a teacher but now I think that i would like to tbe a lawyer, im talented at drawing i enjoy painting in canvas and normally in a open space


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