Tuesday, May 12, 2020

2AB Unit 10 Test May, 12th - Tuesday - 9:30 am to 11:00 am

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all well and full of energy for your test! forget about your chores, walls and worries, this is TEST TIME (this is not that important but I know you will try to do your best!).

2AB Unit 10 Test May, 12th - Tuesday - 9:30 am to 11:00 am

The online test has a friendly format, it is very similar to the regular tests at school, includes reading, vocabulary and grammar. 

You do not need a pen, only a mobile, tablet or computer. You mustn't check your notes, notebook, books or any other resource, this is a test to check your progress. 

I'll be available through my email to answer your questions. 
Pay attention to apostrophes, capital letters, spelling mistakes, etc... revise before sending to your teacher. 

When you finish your test you have to write your name and last name, then click "Enviar a tu profesor" and send to your teacher, sometimes you have to wait because of the network, please be patient.

Next you will see your score on the screen, but remember that I will correct your test too.

Cuidado con la opción "autocompletar" el ordenador, tablet o móvil podrá generar palabras incorrectas, revisad vuestro examen antes de darle a enviar al profesor.
Asegúrate que sabes cómo escribir el apóstrofe Inglés ( ' ) :
En un portátil es la tecla que está al lado del 0
En un teclado de ordenador hay que marcar Alt  + 39
En un móvil ir al teclado de símbolos, suele estar al lado de la doble comilla, pero fijaros en vuestro móvil, es diferente al símbolo del acento (´)  (mirad apóstrofe ' acento ´ )

Link to the test here:

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