Monday, May 18, 2020


May 18th to May 25th

Dear 2D students,

This week we are going to learn the basic content of Unit 7 “Living your Life”.  (You can find a list with the basic content in SB page 100)
Please read instructions below for each day of the week, as usual you have to read, do, correct and finally send your homework to your teacher each day or you can send all the exercises together at the end of the week.

May 18th Monday
-        Vocabulary from Unit 7; Read and study new words and expressions;
Next please do the following exercises;
-WB p 56;1,2 OPEN HERE
-WB p 60;1,2,3 OPEN HERE
May 19th,  Tuesday
Grammar; Present Perfect Simple; Read carefully  the summary in the lesson planning , then you can read all the grammar explanation for present perfect simple in your workbook page 102 and page 103. If you have time you can watch these grammar videos to help you understand the uses and how o form this tense:

Next, please do the following exercises;
WB page 57 (1-5) OPEN HERE 

May 20th, Wednesday
WB page 58 (1,2,3) OPEN HERE 
Webbook please do the vocabulary exercises
May 21st Thursday
WB Page 62 (1- 6) OPEN HERE
- Webbook please do the grammar exercises
May 22nd Friday
SB, page 153, 154 (1-8) PAGE 153 HERE PAGE 154 HERE

May 25th Monday morning.
Unit 7 test (basic content; vocabulary and grammar)
May 26th Tuesday
From this day until the end of the term we will REVIEW PREVIOUS CONTENT and prepare RESIT TESTS.
2D RESIT  Tests May, 19th - Tuesday CHECK UNIT CONTENTS HERE

     - 1st term 9:30 am to 10:30 am
     - 2nd term 10:40 am to 11:40 am

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