Monday, June 08, 2020


Good morning everyone!,

Please find below a list of activities that you can do along this week and the next one, remember these activities are not part of your score anymore.

I will send you an email with your final score asap. Most of you worked very hard, you thrived! others could not catch up or did not get used to remote learning for many different reasons.

For me as a teacher it was challenging as well, everything seemed to change overnight, due dates, lesson plans, government instructions....all the educational community parents, students and teachers had to get a grip on this unexpected situation. I want to say a big thank you to all the families that have been supportive. 馃憦馃憦  Taking all this into account, I tried to create a  handy, friendly and easily accessible blog/platform , but I also had to provide the right educational resources for you to continue learning, some of you consider that I asked you to do too many activities, for others it was ok, another small group did not care about homework until this week... and a few of you were dealing with an extremely difficult situation at home or in your heads. Please let me know your thoughts or feedback about this last months in English below or send your point of view to my email.

Despite all this, WE MADE IT! we overcame the lockdown, COVID 19 and school! we are very lucky!

Thus, the next two weeks you can continue working on activities online and studying for your resit tests (Ex谩menes en convocatoria extraordinaria). Please contact me or your tutor if you have any questions.

TASKS FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS,do all of them, some of them... it is up to you.

Reinforcement and extension activities 

- Webbook; please finish all the different sections of your webbook, vocabulary, grammar, listening practice and Everything English video. You can use it to review for the summer as well.

- Please finish any Read On /Extra reading activities that you haven't finished already, please let me know if you need any answer key.

- You can continue practicing English and playing with the Big Challenge (If you paid to participate in the contest you can get your money back when we return to school next year or if you want we can keep it for next year participation, please contact Mary or me in September (I might not be there).

- Cambridge exams practice: go to the following link , then choose the right level for your group and take one of the tests, you can try the next level as a challenge.
- Burlington Books;  Go to the web and follow instructions for whatever you prefer to practice: Grammar, reading a book, culture activities...
Therefore, you can read and listen any of the books available in Burlington e-reader home library: 33 ereaders with audio and comprehension exercises for students to work with at home (ESO & Bachillerato) you can do some of the CULTURE AND CROSS-CURRICULAR RESOURCES: ESO. or practice basic grammar concepts

George Floyd killing sparks worldwide protests against racism;

-1- Do this worksheet
-2-  Watch some of the following videos or read this illustration;  Are we racist? A family's conversation
Check your privileges;
Guardian News; Cities across the US have been convulsed by protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died after being arrested and handcuffed by a white officer who then kneeled on his neck for several minutes.

-3 - Answer this question; What happened after George Floyd killing? write a paragraph about your opinion and the next stage in this news story as a commentary in the blog.

Take care
Your English teacher


  1. Hi. I’m Paula Gallardo.
    In my opinion, everyone in the world should be equal, because in the end, we are all the same, humans, and I think we all must fight against racism, and dicimination, and try to achieve equality.

  2. Hilina Deressa10 June 2020 at 14:06

    In my opinion, no one should be discriminated against for being what they are. Because if it does not meet your ideals, you discriminate. That is too unfair and unjustified (discriminate against someone for what they are). We all matter, we are equal.
    Hilina Deressa.

  3. In my opinion, no one should be discriminated against because of their skin colour. And I think it’s too bad that someone thinks they’re better than someone else because they’re "white," and also use their power against others. We’re all equal, and all lives matter.

  4. I am so lucky to have you as students, you are beautiful souls! of course all lives matter!


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