Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Welcome back to the blog!

TASK 1 Due date Today

I hope you and your families are ok. Did you relax? Did you cook any typical Easter food? Did you read any interesting books or exercise in front of the TV? I'd love to hear from you, please comment below. (optional)

Today I would like you to have a look at this presentation by one of the assistants (Chris)

Easter Celebrations by Chris

Then do this worksheet, once you finish please send it to me.


TASK 2 Due date Friday

Additionally you have to correct your diary project, please use THIS RUBRIC (CLICK HERE) please send me your final score this week and a picture of your rubric completed.

Have a great day!

Your teacher


  1. Hi, I´m Paula Gallardo from 2B. On vacations, I had time to do everything, to read, to watch TV, to cook, to relax, to do exercise and to have fun. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello I'm Nacho Moreno. On Easter holidays I had time to do most of the things that are mentioned like for example reading books, doing some exercise, cooking some new meals...


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